First female First Nations Rhodes Scholars a UofT student | CTV News
This is the first indigenous female to get a Rhodes scholarship. CTV News should know better than using the term First Nation.
This is the first indigenous female to get a Rhodes scholarship. CTV News should know better than using the term First Nation.
When the earth is ravaged and the animals are dying, a new tribe of people shall come unto the earth from many colors, classes, creeds and who by their actions and deeds shall make the earth green again. They will be known as the warriors of the rainbow. — Native American Prophecy
There was a developed custom of marking trails through the forests by bending saplings and securing them in such positions that their directions of bend, indicated the directions of the routes to be followed. A line of similarly bent trees thus established a continuous uninterrupted route of travel which could readily be followed.
A man sat thinking. "Let me see. My songs are too short. I want more songs. Where shall I go to find them?" Hasjelti appeared and perceiving his thoughts, said, "I know where you can get more songs." "Well, I want to get more. So I will follow you."
A Lakota girl married a man who promised to treat her kindly, but he did not keep his word. He was unreasonable, fault-finding, and often beat her. Frantic with his cruelty, she ran away.
The Orange Lodges have existed in Canada at least since the War of 1812.
Tall Bull was a major Southern Cheyenne Chief, war chief and Dog Soldier leader. He participated in the 1864 65 Arapaho-Cheyenne War, the retaliation that followed the Sand Creek massacre, but gave up the fight after seeing the futility of winning the war.
Sacagawea was born c. 1788 into the Agaidika ('Salmon Eater', aka Lemhi Shoshone) tribe near present-day Salmon, Lemhi County, Idaho. She was sold into a non-consensual marriage to Toussaint Charbonneau, a Quebecois trapper.
Top 10 Best Native American Quotes
Native American mythology is full of rich stories, cultural artifacts, and history that reflect the rich cultures of Native Americans.
The story goes that a son of old Henry Monteith, father of James of Anderston had sons who went to America. It would appear that one of them married a Cherokee Indian causing his brothers to disown him.
In some tribes, there is a belief that a person is composed of four things: a physical, an emotional, a mental and a spirit part.